In His presence

Originally published in the November 2018 issue of the “Arise Shine” publication.

We were in our regular midweek local service when testimonies of praise began rather spontaneously. We had just finished getting the tabernacle ready for the regional minister’s convention. We were tired, maybe a little stinky, but that didn’t seem to matter. We stopped to share with one another our praise reports. One of the sisters began talking about her secular job. She works in a factory that makes wonderful goodies—chocolate goodies. She shared that her supervisor commented this week, “People sure ask you to pray a lot.” The supervisor went on to say, “I guess it’s because you’re a minister.” The sister simply replied, “No. People just like to be around God.”

Think about that statement a moment—People like to be around God.

As I sat in my pew I thought, “How true.” Ever since the fall in the Garden of Eden, people have been trying to find their way back to a close personal relationship with God. People look for God in so many places—you and me, TV, the Internet, their jobs, relationships, drugs, sex, hobbies, religion, mentors, and the list could literally go on and on. Now you and I know there is only one God and He has one Body. Until people see us living in His presence, practicing what we preach, living holy lives, seeing eye to eye and speaking the same thing, how can they find Him. I know you have heard the statement time and time again, “The only Bible some people will ever read is you.” Do people like to be around you because they feel God? Are your family, friends, schoolmates and coworkers experiencing God through you because you’re living a life dedicated to being in His presence?

The Psalmist makes an interesting point – “Thou wilt shew me the path of life...” (16:11). We can help others find the path to God (the path back to an Eden-type relationship) by living in His presence. “ thy presence is fulness of joy...” What is your daily testimony? Are you living in His presence?