A post-earthquake update from Mexico

I want to thank all our brothers and friends that have lifted us in the nation of Mexico in prayer. As you may know, Mexico has been hit by hurricanes in less than a month. These things have come to our lives. But also, the earthquakes that have shaken the nation of Mexico, where many of our brethren have lost their lives, and many people have repented as they see all these things that they are suffering.

The Bible tells us that all of this is the beginning of sorrows. My beloved Brethren thank you for your prayers. We want you to continue supporting the nation of Mexico with your prayers. But also as the National Overseer of The Church of God in Mexico, I want to thank my brethren from the Region of Puebla. Especially my brethren from the Tepeyac Colony that have been looking for donations to take to those brothers that have suffered in the Puebla region and all those that are suffering.

My beloved brethren, thank you. Remember that all of our labor will bear fruit and will receive a reward from God at his appointed time. Thank you once again, my brothers and friends, for your prayers for the nation of Mexico. Thank you for your prayers for our brothers in the Dominican Republic Brother Vilorio. Thank you for Central America. Thank you, my beloved brethren, let us continue united in Christ who is coming soon. The signs and miracles that God has performed with us must be published. May God bless you and please receive a hug from the National Overseer of the nation of Mexico.

God Bless you my beloved brethren.